Powering Decentralized finance for blockchain users.

The flexswap platform helps crypto users easily and quickly swap, purchase, and sell their crypto assets.

Video intro

What is FlexSwap?

Reliable DeFi Aggregation aggregates decentralized exchanges and synthetic assets.

Decentralized Platform
Our platform is non-custodial, compliant, and transparent;, it is powered by the ethereum network protocol and will soon be a multi-chain platform.
Reliable DeFi Aggregation
Our product aggregates decentralized exchanges and platforms to give you the best experience in crypto. When you execute a swap through FlexSwap, your order is routed to the sources offering the best prices on the market.
FlexSwap is available on multiple blockchains. We currently support Ethereum Mainnet and Polygon, and we plan on adding more network protocols soon.

Why use FlexSwap

Easy DEX aggregation
The protocol of splitting orders across multiple exchanges and platforms to get the best swapping price.
Permissionless Use
No authorization or documents needed to start using this platform or to stake your tokens.
Decentralized identity
The process is completely decentralized and your assets are protected 24/7 by smart contracts.
You are always in control
Flexswap is non-custodial, compliant, and transparent, and is powered by the 0xproject network protocol.

Aggregation technology and much more

We use the industry’s most popular aggregation technology to securely optimize and swap your crypto assets.

Optimize Your Token Swap instantly, lowest gas fee, lowest slippage.
Trade assets on flexswap Dex with a Fully On-Chain orderbook.
NFT Market
Comming Soon
Stake & Earn
Flexswap makes it easy to make your crypto assets work for you.

(BTFX) Token Details

Our platform has grown in a rapid way in recent months, and we received the support of many users and token holders from the start of FLEXSWAP.

Token creation
April 26, 2022 (13:36AM GMT)
Token Supply
BTFX Supply is: 5,200,000,000
First Liquidity Block
83M BTFX liquidity added on Uniswap V2
Tokens exchange rate
1 BTFX = $0.00000997
Liquidity Pairs
ETH, USDC more soon
liquidity Block 2
( Soon )liquidity

Locked BTFX Tokens

The remaining tokens will be gradually unlocked over a period of years.

($BTFX) 7%
3.5% 2y - 3.5% 4y
28.5% Locked
BTFX Supply
28.5% Token Lock
July 14 - 2024
SP1 Release
12.5% Token 2 years
July 15 - 2026
SP2 Release
8% Token 4 years
July 15 - 2028
SP3 release
8% Token 6 years


Team Players

Our team player alway finds effective ways to improve the product and process

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    Frequently Questions

    Reliable DeFi Aggregation: Flexswap is non-custodial, compliant, and transparen,t and is powered by the ethereum network protocol. Our product aggregates decentralized exchanges and platforms to give you the best price and experience in crypto when you execute your first swap through FlexSwap.io.

    A DeFi aggregator brings together crypto trades across various decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms into one location, saving users time and gas fees and increasing efficiency.


    Yes, we have our own tokens, Flexswap ($FLEX), Bitflex ($BTFX). The purpose of the our tokens is to build and support the Flexswap ecosystem as a working platform so that users can use an advanced aggregator.

    Fexswap $FLEX: 0xaf8111b03acc0fe6676d1f5c7b4701febc23e7a6 (Main )

    Bitflex $BTFX: 0x9bac0cd26ef307a01031ca58963509d2b7be6664

    Yes, you can stake your BTFX tokens to earn massive rewards, make your crypto work hard for you and generate passive income!

    Bitflex/Flexswap Token Supply is: 5,200,000,000 ($BTFX) Tokens

    Contract: 0x9bac0cd26ef307a01031ca58963509d2b7be6664



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