The flexswap platform helps crypto users easily and quickly swap, purchase, and sell their crypto assets.
Video intro
Reliable DeFi Aggregation aggregates decentralized exchanges and synthetic assets.
We use the industry’s most popular aggregation technology to securely optimize and swap your crypto assets.
FlexSwap Max Token Supply is: 5,200,000,000 ($BTFX) Tokens
Supply Lock: 28.5%
Liquidity: 5%
Foundation : 3%
Sale allocation: 3.6%
Staking Rewards : 30%
Liquidity Fund: 2.5%
Community: 6%
Token Burn: 4.4%
Ecosystem&Marketing: 5%
Founders/Team: 12%| 5% unlocked
Supply lock: 28.5%
SP1 unlock alloc: 12.5%
SP3 unlock alloc: 8%
Team Tokens lock: 7%
SP2 unlock alloc: 8%
TM unlock (t) alloc: 7%
Our platform has grown in a rapid way in recent months, and we received the support of many users and token holders from the start of FLEXSWAP.
The remaining tokens will be gradually unlocked over a period of years.
During this period, we came up with the idea to set up our own aggregator platform; the high ETH fees have gotten so crazy, so we knew something had to be done.
Our founder thought of the concept of a flexswap aggregator, but now the question was, how do we get started?
Our first step was to start working on making this flexswap concept idea real.
Bitflex (BTFX) Token creation
1) FlexSwap Website created and is live
Token supply Lock (1) BTFX Supply 28.5% (2)Founders/Team Token Lock 7%
1) Launch of the of the project Swap and DEX ETH aggregator Platform. Live
Flexswap $FLEX Official Token creation 1B Flex Tokens: 0xaf8111b03acc0fe6676d1f5c7b4701febc23e7a6
FlexSwap Stake & Earn launch delayed
FlexSwap DAO Launch delayed
NFT Market Place launch delayed
Our team player alway finds effective ways to improve the product and process
Frequently Questions
Reliable DeFi Aggregation: Flexswap is non-custodial, compliant, and transparen,t and is powered by the ethereum network protocol. Our product aggregates decentralized exchanges and platforms to give you the best price and experience in crypto when you execute your first swap through
A DeFi aggregator brings together crypto trades across various decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms into one location, saving users time and gas fees and increasing efficiency.
Yes, we have our own tokens, Flexswap ($FLEX), Bitflex ($BTFX). The purpose of the our tokens is to build and support the Flexswap ecosystem as a working platform so that users can use an advanced aggregator.
Fexswap $FLEX: 0xaf8111b03acc0fe6676d1f5c7b4701febc23e7a6 (Main )
Bitflex $BTFX: 0x9bac0cd26ef307a01031ca58963509d2b7be6664
Yes, you can stake your BTFX tokens to earn massive rewards, make your crypto work hard for you and generate passive income!
Bitflex/Flexswap Token Supply is: 5,200,000,000 ($BTFX) Tokens
Contract: 0x9bac0cd26ef307a01031ca58963509d2b7be6664
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