Our platform has grown in a rapid way in recent months, and we received the support of many users and token holders from the start of FLEXSWAP.
The remaining tokens will be gradually unlocked over a period of years.
FlexSwap Max Token Supply is: 5,200,000,000 ($BTFX) Tokens
Supply Lock: 28.5%
Liquidity: 5%
Foundation : 3%
Sale allocation: 3.6%
Staking Rewards : 30%
Liquidity Fund: 2.5%
Community: 6%
Token Burn: 4.4%
Ecosystem&Marketing: 5%
Founders/Team: 12%| 5% unlocked
Supply lock: 28.5%
SP1 unlock alloc: 12.5%
SP3 unlock alloc: 8%
Team Tokens lock: 7%
SP2 unlock alloc: 8%
TM unlock (t) alloc: 7%